CBD buds / CBD flowers
We supply quality CBD buds from a wide range of producers around Europe. We get important input from our customers in our store in Spain. This will benefit you when you need to buy CBD flowers in the EU/UK. All buds are legal in the EU/UK and contain < 0.2% THC.
Since we buy in bulk, we can negotiate good prices for CBD buds at home so you can reap the benefits. There are new brands and CBD flowers coming in all the time, so check in regularly. We ship from day to day in the EU/UK.
Here you will find our very wide selection of CBD flowers. Whether you’re looking for flowers with fruity, vegetal or even gourmet notes, you’ll inevitably find the CBD top that meets your expectations.
Click on the link to go directly to the manufacturer’s products.
Our CBD buds and other CBD products
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd bud Amnesia – 15% CBD Greenhouse
- €9.26 – €37.32
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd bud Amnesia – 15% CBD Greenhouse (Kopier)
- €22.68 – €37.32
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- Out of StockSelect options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd bud power plant – 15% CBD
- €17.18 – €26.58
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd buds Cannatonic – 17% CBD
- €17.18 – €26.58
- Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd buds Jamaican Pearl – 15% CBD
- €17.18 – €26.58
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- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd buds popcorn 10g – 7% CBD
- €18.52
- Rated 3.00 out of 5
Le Chanvrier
Vidste du at en stor del af de CBD topskud der sælges i Europa rent faktisk kommer fra Frankrig? Klimaet der er ideelt til at dyrke førsteklasses hamp og kultivere CBD topskud. Vi har fået æren af at være de første der sælger dette udsøgte mærke i Danmark. Og ja Le Chanvrier betyder noget så fedt som hampeplanten på fransk. Prøv disse CBD topskud der er meget aromatiske og smagfulde. De laver også FANTASTISK CBD hash.
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- CBD buds
Swiss made cbd buds popcorn 10g – 7% CBD
- €18.52
- Rated 3.00 out of 5
- -8% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD Products, CBD buds
Aria CBD topskud Master Kush – 20% CBD
- €10.60 – €49.40
- -38% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Stella CBD topskud Purple Haze – 22% CBD
- €10.60 – €395.98
- -38% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Terre di Cannabis Diesel cbd buds – 20% CBD
- €10.60 – €395.98
- Out of Stock-17% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Fatal CBG topskud White – 20% CBG
- €13.29 – €53.42
- -36% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Volare CBD topskud Silver Haze – 18% CBD
- €10.60 – €395.98
- Out of Stock-33% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Briosa CBG topskud Jack Frost – 20% CBG
- €10.68 – €53.42
- -38% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Diva CBD topskud Amnesia – 22% CBD
- €10.60 – €395.98
- Rated 4.60 out of 5
- -39% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Perla CBD topskud AK 47 – 20% CBD
- €10.60 – €53.42
- -39% Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
- CBD buds
Popolo CBD topskud White Widow – 14% CBD
- €13.15 – €53.42
Læs mere om dr smoke her
Dr smoke – baggrund
Dr smoke er en af pionererne indenfor CBD topskud og CBD produkter generelt i Europa. Det er et fransk firma og de forhandler og producerer topkvalitetsprodukter.
Hvis du en dag tager turen til Frankrig vil du se at der er masser af dr smoke butikker over hele Frankrig. De ligger jævn fordelt især i de større byer.
Vi ønsker at introducere dr smoke cbd buds i Danmark da vi mener det vil tilføre markedet her et godt og kvalitetssikret produkt.
Vi aner aldrig hvad vi får af produkter, smage eller typer når vi køber ind. Det er jo et fransk firma. Så vi sælger hvad vi kan få. Men selvom det er kaotisk at lave forretninger med dr smoke har vi altid fået reel behandling og første klasse produkter. Derfor holder vi ud og gør hvad vi kan for at sikre dig fornøjelsen ved at kunne købe deres produkter.
Vi sælger dr smoke produkter både her i Danmark men også fra vores fysiske butik i Spanien og vi har altid kun haft tilfredse kunder.
Dr smokes produkter har ikke nødvendigvis det højeste CBD indhold men lad dig ikke snyde af det. Hvad de evt mangler her tager de fuldtud revanche på når man ryger dem. De er bløde og lækre at ryge. Mange af deres cbd blomster kommer fra Schweiz hvilket i sig selv borger for kvaliteten.
Alle topskud og andre produkter indeholder < 0.2% THC og er således lovlige i Europa.
Produkterne indholder ingen nikotin og er ikke tobaksprodukter.
Vi har et stort udvalg af dr smoke produkter du kan vælge imellem.
CBD buds or CBD flowers
CBD buds – (cbd buds, cbd for smoking, CBD flowers) – are an alternative way to consume your CBD compared to the oil. When you smoke, the effect comes faster, which can be desirable if you suffer from stress or PTSD, for example.
All our cbd flowers are legal in the EU.
Our cbd buds all contain less than the 0.2% THC that is the legal content.
Note: All buds and CBD hash are sold as collectibles or aromatic flowers.
Buy cbd buds
We want to be your one-stop shop for buying CBD buds, so we are constantly adding new brands to our selection.
Here you will find CBD buds from Terre di Cannabis, Dr Smoke and The Tree CBD.
More will be added continuously so you can sit at home and choose the buds you want from one and the same place.
We stock CBD buds and ship from day to day.
These products contain no tobacco, no tar or nicotine. They are therefore not tobacco products.
Please note, however, that we do not encourage smoking, as this has other health consequences.
All products are legal in the EU.
Click here to see our selection of CBD hash or go to the front page.
What exactly are CBD buds?
Although cbd buds – cbd flowers – have been in the market for a number of years, we still get a lot of questions about what they actually are and whether they are legal? Do you get weird from smoking CBD buds, etc. We will try to answer some of these things here.
CBD is now mainstream
Today, CBD is included in a variety of products from cosmetics to food to medicine. It is widely recognized that CBD has good properties for the body in many different forms.
There is more and more research into these beneficial effects that CBD has and it is being better and better substantiated.
One of the products that has received more attention in the last few years is CBD buds or CBD flowers as they are also called.
As the very first thing, it must be emphasized that CBD buds have nothing to do with hashish or marijuana, although they are often confused.
You don’t get high from smoking CBD buds – you typically become more relaxed or more energetic. A little depending on which type you use.
Unfortunately, there is still a lot of ignorance surrounding CBD in general and buds in particular.
Origin of CBD buds
CBD buds are the flowers of feminine hemp plants that have been specially bred to contain very high levels of cannabidiol and low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
They should not be confused with hash highs, which can produce psychoactive effects and are illegal in many countries and the EU.
However, hemp and cannabis are closely related to each other due to their origins. Both plants belong to the same family Cannabaceae and both belong to the genus Cannabis.
From a non-scientific perspective, it makes it look like they are the same or at least produce the same effect.
This common belief could not be more wrong.
True hemp (Cannabis Sativa L) is not the same plant as marijuana.
Real hemp – or industrial hemp – is grown specifically for industrial purposes. Its first recorded use dates from ten thousand years ago, when it was spun as a fiber and used as a food source.
Hemp has over 25,000 known uses, making it one of the most versatile plants on the planet.
Some products made from hemp include: Paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, food, paint, oil, insulation and biofuel.
It is also used as animal feed. And it is now also possible to buy CBD oil and other CBD products such as buds – the potent flowers from cannabis sativa L.
The reason marijuana gets its bad rap is because of one compound in the plant: Tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC.
This connection is what makes people get “high”. It has mind-altering properties that can cause paranoia, anxiety, and other psychoactive effects that marijuana users desire.
Because of THC, marijuana is considered a psychoactive substance. Science Daily defines a psychotropic drug as “a chemical substance that acts primarily on the central nervous system, where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness, and behaviour.”
In severe cases, this can lead to paranoia and hashish psychoses.
It is under no circumstances the effect of getting ‘high’ or crooked that is the basis of CBD highs. On the contrary.
Hemp usually contains less than 0.2% Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The low THC content of hemp makes it impossible to give its users the mind-altering ‘high’ that marijuana is famous for.
Research has discovered that the raw hemp plant contains over 500 chemical compounds.
It’s just too bad for hemp that one of them is THC, even if it’s only a small amount as a percentage of real hemp, it’s enough to cause a bad name by association!
Not least legislators in the EU and at national level are doing what they can to ban this beautiful plant. Crazy is what it is.
How do you use cbd buds?
CBD flowers are gaining popularity right now as a substitute for smoking pot or weed. Because they contain less than 0.2% THC, hemp flowers are completely legal in most countries, including the UK, US and most European countries.
CBD buds are not much different from marijuana when it comes to their appearance and smell. This is because CBD flowers contain the same terpenes, flavonoids and other compounds as cannabis flowers, just with lower THC levels.
So you can use hemp flowers the same way you would use cannabis flowers!
The more popular ways to consume hemp flowers are vaporizing, smoking, and using them as a cooking ingredient.
Vaporizing is very effective and younger generations consider it a “cool” method of consuming the high shots. Vaporizing is also safer as there is no combustion.
CBD, as well as other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, is absorbed via the bloodstream from the lungs and ensures that they reach the brain quickly.
Due to the potential pain-relieving properties of CBD, vaping high CBD hemp flowers is also attractive to those looking for a quick and effective way to relieve pain.
Smoking CBD buds, like vaping, is a quick and effective way to increase the level of cannabinoids in your endocannabinoid system with the phytocannabinoids (plant cannabinoids) present in hemp.
Some users smoke them in the same way as a joint and also smoke CBD buds as a zero-nicotine method of quitting cigarettes. It is actually a very effective method to achieve smoking cessation. You smoke to satisfy your urge to smoke. Weird, but it works. CBD dampens the craving for nicotine and you can therefore completely quit cigarettes.
Hemp flowers can also be used with a bong or water pipe. This method is often used by those who use hemp flowers for recreational purposes.
Dried, raw hemp flowers can also be used as an ingredient in cooking. Like marijuana, they can be added to a variety of recipes. Some people enjoy using CBD oil in cooking as it is easy to mix and more convenient to use, although many prefer the raw flowers for the unique herbal flavor.
What are the benefits of CBD buds?
Hemp flowers are high CBD, low THC products. This means that hemp flowers not only contain the compound that can get you high, they also have many potential medicinal properties.
Cannabidiol is currently being studied to determine whether it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. An intense investigation is taking place regarding CBD and anxiety in particular.
One of the reasons why CBD buds are so popular is because of their reputation as an anti-anxiety drug. Due to their high CBD / CBDA content, it is believed that using them can give users a subtle relaxed feeling. This should not be confused with the mental high that marijuana is known for.
It is often downright dangerous to smoke hash or marijuana with a high THC content if you suffer from anxiety attacks, PTSD, stress or the like.
Users describe the feeling they get from smoking CBD buds as a “body high” with a focused and clear sense of relaxation.
It is considered by many to be far more fun than drinking a few glasses of wine.
This relaxing quality is particularly attractive to those who suffer from anxiety and those who experience anxiety attacks during the day.
What is the effect of CBD buds on the endocannabinoid system?
The cannabidiol found in the flowers of Cannabis sativa L (hemp) interacts with the human endocannabinoid system.
The human endocannabinoid system has two types of receptors for cannabinoids, CB1 and CB2 receptors.
CB1 receptors are present throughout the body and deal with the body’s coordination, movement, pain, emotions, mood, thinking, appetite, memories, etc.
THC binds to these receptors and produces the infamous “high” that marijuana users love.
CB2 receptors are also found throughout the body and help modulate inflammation, mood, fertility, hunger and pain, as well as many other neurological and bodily processes.
However, cannabidiol (CBD) does not bind to either receptor, but instead directs the body to use more of its own cannabinoids, thereby increasing the level of available cannabinoids in the endocannabinoid system.
Cannabidiol has been the subject of extensive research to determine whether it has anti-inflammatory properties. Many studies are being conducted on how potent and effective cannabidiol really is.
Due to how recently CBD was discovered, the results are still not supported by a significant number of human trials and replications, although initial results seem promising.
CBD is also being studied to see if it can help alleviate the symptoms of various diseases and disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, dystonia, anfalls, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia.
Several studies are focusing on whether CBD can be beneficial for healing many other diseases, but no studies have yet shown it to be conclusive due to the lack of large human trials.
CBD and Cancer
The most notorious of all the diseases CBD is being studied for is cancer. Cancer is one of the human diseases that, despite technological advances and the medical field, we still cannot find a cure for. However, some researchers firmly believe that the miracle cure may be right under our noses.
Researchers have found evidence that cannabidiol, or CBD, may be used in the future to prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells. Further research is being done to see if it can really help cure one of humanity’s most significant problems.
However, it is believed that for this purpose an alternation between THC and CBD must take place.
Are CBD buds legal in the EU and the UK?
Yes, in general CBD buds are legal throughout the EU. However, it requires that the content of THC in the flowers is < 0.2%.
There are rumors that the EU will raise the limit for THC content to as high as 0.3%. This was actually the legal limit in the mid-nineties.
But as usual, we are disappointed by the processes taking place in the EU, so nothing will probably happen.
But let’s hope we can get up there again. Just this small increase in THC content can lead to us being able to produce even better products.
And still without you as a consumer getting high from using the product.
Buy cbd buds
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